Thursday, April 15, 2010

FBN: Taking A Closer Look At The Budget!

Online Forum:

"In addition we need to find out where there is waste and end it. The best way to find out where money is wasted is to ask the employees."

FortBendNow: Clay Alumbaugh

If it is truly the fault of the legislature, we need to get the voters involved. Pressure needs to be put on state senators and congressmen to do something. They listen to their contributors but they answer to the voters. I personally will contact our legislators and get their input about our situation.

In addition we need to find out where there is waste and end it. The best way to find out where money is wasted is to ask the employees. The district employees should be allowed to express their opinions on how to cut waste and they should be allowed to do this anonymously.

We also need to find a way to cut costs without cutting staff. This is another area where the district employees need to be involved. With 10000 employees brainstorming something good should come from it.