Tuesday, March 23, 2010

FB Sun: Alumbaugh Files For FBISD Trustee Position 3 Being Vacated By Bob Broxson

Clay Alumbaugh announces candidacy for FBISD Position 3 seat

staff reports
Updated: 03.20.10

Clay Alumbaugh recently announced plans to seek the Fort Bend Independent School District Position 3 seat being vacated by current school board president Bob Broxson.

In the press release announcing his candidacy, Alumbaugh said he joined the race in order to “heed the call for an experienced educator and manager to join the board and give it some balance in these hard ecomonic times.”

Alumbaugh earned a bachelor of science degree in math and chemistry and a masters degree in guidance and counseling.

He has taught math at Dulles, Clements and Kempner high schools and served as a lead guidance counselor at Kempner High School.

After 39 years experience in the field, I believe I have what it takes to get the FBISD budget back on track after nearly three consecutive years of first-ever record deficits,” Alumbaugh said in his press release.

He believes the school board’s first priority should be educating children, a goal he believes can only be accomplished if “our system is not in constant financial turmoil.”

“This may mean making some tough decisions ultimately but we can’t put this off any longer,” Alumbaugh said.

The candidate described personnel reductions “inevitable” and said it is important “for students, teachers and support personnel not be the ones absorbing all of the cuts.” “There is plenty of room for cuts higher up. The administration at the top should not be exempt from tightening their belts,” Alumbaugh said.

His goal is to maintain FBISD’s status as one of the best districts in Texas.

“Additionally, I want a board that is fiscally responsible,” Alumbaugh said.

The Position 3 candidate said he is concerned with the district’s deficit spending, the Global Science Center, the 450 jobs to be eliminated, the decision to not consider seniority in layoffs, and lack of someone on the board to ask questions.

“I thought the Global Science Center sounded great at first and as a former science teacher my thoughts were positive. However, with the economy and the deficit to consider, I don't think now is the time to begin such a project,” Alumbaugh said.

He is a member of St. Theresa's Catholic Church, Fort

Bend Retired Teachers Association and a neighborhood representative in New Territory.

“I’m seeking your support as your representative on the FBISD school board,” Alumbaugh said.

For more information, e-mail calumbaugh@aol.com

Related: http://www.fortbendnow.com/2010/03/02/44270